DAR Resources

Whitepaper: Inside Ransomware Negotiations
What goes into threat actor negotiations? Find out with this paper!
Use Case: VIPs
Learn how DRK_MDR can protect executives, public figures, and other high impact people in your organization.
Case Study: Healthcare Records Data Purchase
How The DAR Team found and purchased patient records for sale on a secondary private market
Case Study: Incident Response Rescue
How The DAR Team’s 3-day operation outperformed 2 weeks of traditional IR
Whitepaper: "The Full Monti"
DAR's advanced threat actor attribution helps untangle the knot of sanctions restrictions in ransomware events
Dos and Don'ts of a Ransomware Attack
Your first steps of what to do – and not do – if you find yourself hit by ransomware.
Post-Event Dos and Don'ts
Some helpful reminders about how to move forward (and how not to!) after a ransomware event.
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